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Occupational therapy in community and population health practice
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780803675629 0803675623 Year: 2020 Publisher: Philadelphia F.A. Davis

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"This book combines the areas of occupational therapists and health educators. It is clearly and straightforwardly an occupational therapy text with an appreciation of the importance of populations and community as a context for health. The third edition aims to be a useful with a more developed discussion of the issues related to present-day community and population health practice in occupational therapy"--

American journal of community psychology.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 00910562 15732770 Year: 1973 Publisher: New York : New York : [Hoboken, NJ] : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Springer John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Gids in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg
ISBN: 9057537540 Year: 2001 Publisher: Brugge Vanden Broele

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1. Zorgverlening aan personen met psychische problemen: ambulant, (semi)-residentieel en andere vormen: omschrijving zorgverlener en doelgroep + kostprijs.2. Hulpverlening aan personen met psychische problemen: Professionele hulpverleningsinstanties.3. Overleg en samenwerking in de thuiszorg en met provinciale overlegplatforms.4. Verenigingen.

Naar een geestelijk gezonde samenleving
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9055836141 Year: 2000 Publisher: Diegem Kluwer

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Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- Hygiène mentale --- Mental Disorders --- Preventive Psychiatry --- Mental Health Services --- 670 Gezondheid --- geestelijke gezondheid --- #KVHB:Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- #KVHB:Maatschappelijke hulpverlening --- geestelijke gezondheid (geestelijke gezondheidszorg, geestesziekte) --- gezondheidszorgbeleid (gezondheidszorghervorming, gezondheidszorgsysteem) --- preventie --- geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- Gezondheidsbeleid --- 614.1 --- België --- gezondheidszorg --- 614 --- GVO --- Gezondheidszorg (gezondheidsbeleid) --- Preventie --- Voorlichting --- geestelijke gezondheidszorg (gez) --- vlaanderen (gez) --- Geestelijke gezondheid --- 614.2 --- Vlaanderen --- gezondheidszorg (gezondheidsbeleid, sociale geneeskunde) --- Psychiatrie --- Psychotherapie --- prevention & control. --- methods. --- trends. --- santé mentale (soins de santé mentale, maladie mentale) --- politique des soins de santé (réforme des soins de santé, système des soins de santé) --- prévention --- Soins de santé mentale --- Politique de la santé --- advies- en beleidsorganen --- geestelijke gezondheidszorg (België) --- Medische psychologie --- MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, community --- gezondheidspsychologie --- dutch --- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg. --- gezondheidspsychologie. --- dutch. --- Dutch. --- Gezondheidspsychologie. --- therapietrouw --- preventieve psychotherapie --- psychiatrische centra --- zelfzorg --- interculturele hulpverlening --- psychosociale hulpverlening --- preventiewerking (mensen) --- Psychiatry --- zorgbeleid --- gevangeniswezen --- thuisverpleegkunde --- eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg --- PAAZ (Psychiatrische Afdeling Algemeen Ziekenhuis) --- Community organization --- tweedelijnsgezondheidszorg --- gezondheidspromotie --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Psychiatric nursing --- Mental health services, community --- prevention & control --- methods --- trends --- GGZ (geestelijke gezondheidszorg)

Family medicine and community health.
ISSN: 23056983 20098774 Year: 2013 Publisher: Shannon, Ireland : London, United Kingdom : Compuscript for Chinese General Practice Press, BMJ

Health & social care in the community.
ISSN: 09660410 13652524 Year: 1993 Publisher: [Oxford, England] : Blackwell Science

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welzijnswerk --- sociale verpleegkunde --- Human medicine --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Sociology of health --- Community health services --- Services communautaires de santé --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Public welfare --- Human services --- Community Health Services. --- Social Welfare. --- Social Work. --- Santé, Services communautaires de --- Aide sociale --- Services sociaux. --- Services sociaux --- Community health services. --- Human services. --- Public welfare. --- Aide sociale. --- Service communautaire. --- Service de santé --- Service social. --- Environmental Sciences --- Health Sciences --- Information Technology --- Law --- Social Sciences --- Occupational Hazards & Health --- General and Others --- Healthcare Database & Medical Informatics --- Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement --- Community Based Awareness and Relief Service --- Health & Medicine (General) --- Benevolent institutions --- Poor relief --- Public assistance --- Public charities --- Public relief --- Public welfare reform --- Relief (Aid) --- Social welfare --- Welfare (Public assistance) --- Welfare reform --- Services, Human --- Service, Social --- Social Service --- Services, Social --- Social Services --- Work, Social --- Community Services --- Services, Community --- Community Service --- Service, Community --- Welfare, Social --- Community Healthcare --- Health Services, Community --- Services, Community Health --- Community Health Care --- Care, Community Health --- Community Health Service --- Community Healthcares --- Health Care, Community --- Health Service, Community --- Healthcare, Community --- Healthcares, Community --- Service, Community Health --- Neighborhood health centers --- Community Health Services --- Social Welfare --- Social Work --- Child Protective Services --- Public Assistance --- Public Health Administration --- Community Health Planning --- Social service --- Public health --- Regional medical programs --- Government policy --- Paramedicine --- Social Intervention --- Social Service Intervention --- Social Work Intervention --- Intervention, Social --- Intervention, Social Service --- Intervention, Social Work --- Interventions, Social Work --- Service Intervention, Social --- Social Interventions --- Social Service Interventions --- Social Work Interventions --- Work Intervention, Social

De vermaatschappelijking van de zorg voor psychisch kwetsbare mensen : onderzoek, praktijk en beleid
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9020961381 Year: 2005 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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De zorg voor personen met ernstige en langdurige psychische problemen is gekenmerkt door een toenemende vermaatschappelijking. Deze personen worden minder frequent en minder langdurig opgenomen in psychiatrische ziekenhuizen en het streefdoel is hen te ondersteunen in hun sociale rollen als gezinslid, burger, collega, enz. Dit betekent ook dat men probeert om in de samenleving ruimte te cre?ren om kwetsbare mensen een plek te geven in natuurlijke woon-, arbeids-, educatie- en vrijetijdsomgevingen. Dit laatste vereist echter grote transformaties in de zorg en in de samenleving. Het onderzoeksinstituut Lucas bestudeerde deze tendensen in de verschillende deelaspecten van het proces van vermaatschappelijking. Deze publicatie biedt een overzicht daarvan en leidt naar conclusies, aanbevelingen en voorstellen over langdurige zorg in de samenleving. Het boek is bedoeld als basisinstrument voor hulpverleners en zij die ertoe opgeleid worden. Ook beleidsmensen en onderzoekers zullen in deze publicatie nuttig materiaal en verwijzingen vinden. 1. Inleiding2. Metamorfoses van de GGZ3. De doelgroep van cliënten met ernstige en langdurige psychische problemen4. Werkzame ingrediënten van zorg en zorgprogramma's5. Visies van betrokkenengroepen op de vermaatschappelijking van de GGZ6. De mantelzorgers7. Lotgenotencontact8. Stigma en discriminatie9. Aanbevelingen voor het beleid10. Referenties


364.4 --- 616.89 --- Social Work, Psychiatric. --- Community Mental Health Services --- Health Services Needs and Demand --- Mental Disorders --- Mental Health. --- #SBIB:316.334.3M50 --- #SBIB:316.8H11 --- #SBIB:316.8H22 --- Academic collection --- 672 Gezondheidszorg. Behandeling --- geestelijke gezondheid --- #KVHB:Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- #KVHB:Psychiatrie --- 606.8 --- 614.1 --- geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- gezondheidszorg --- psychiatrie --- psychiatrische problemen --- rehabilitatie --- schizofrenie --- vermaatschappelijking --- 361 ) Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- sociale integratie --- zorgverlening --- S20110195.jpg --- hulpverleningsproces --- integratie --- psychiatrische patiënten --- thuiszorg --- Mental Hygiene --- Health, Mental --- Hygiene, Mental --- Orthopsychiatry --- Psychiatric Social Service --- Psychiatric Social Work --- Social Service, Psychiatric --- Psychiatric Social Services --- Psychiatric Social Works --- Service, Psychiatric Social --- Services, Psychiatric Social --- Social Services, Psychiatric --- Social Works, Psychiatric --- Work, Psychiatric Social --- Works, Psychiatric Social --- 364.4 Hulpverlening. Bijstand --- Hulpverlening. Bijstand --- Health Services Needs --- Needs --- Needs and Demand, Health Services --- Target Population --- Health Services Need --- Need, Health Services --- Needs, Health Services --- Population, Target --- Populations, Target --- Target Populations --- Health Care Sector --- Assertive Community Treatment --- Health Services, Community Mental --- Services, Community Mental Health --- Services, Mental Health Community --- Mental Health Services, Community --- Community Treatment, Assertive --- Treatment, Assertive Community --- Psychiatry. Pathological psychiatry. Psychopathology. Phrenopathies. Psychoses. Mental abnormality. Morbid mental states. Behavioural and emotional disturbances --- epidemiology --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: algemeen, beleid --- Welzijns- en sociale problemen: gehandicapten (fysiek, mentaal) --- Welzijnsorganisatie: sociale dienstverlening voor specifieke groepen --- Psychiatrische centra --- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- 615 --- 361.2 --- 301.17 --- 616.5 --- 362.1 --- Psychische stoornissen. --- Rehabilitatie --- België. --- Psychiatrische patiënten. --- psychopathologie --- Psychiatry --- cliënt-hulpverlener relatie --- mantelzorg --- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg ; België --- Social Work, Psychiatric --- Mental Health --- Psychosociale problemen --- Zorgverlening --- GGZ (geestelijke gezondheidszorg) --- #gsdbP --- Psychosociaal probleem --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Belgium

Ambulatory child health.
ISSN: 13555626 14670658 Year: 2001 Publisher: [Oxford, England] : Blackwell Science,

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Child nursing --- pediatrie --- kinderverpleegkunde --- Paediatrics --- Ambulatory Care --- Child Health Services --- Community Health Services --- Ambulatory medical care for children --- Child health services --- Community health services for children --- Traitement ambulatoire pour enfants --- Enfants --- periodicals. --- Periodicals. --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Santé, Services de --- Services communautaires de santé --- Ambulatory Care. --- Child Health Services. --- Community Health Services. --- Ambulatory medical care for children. --- Child health services. --- Community health services for children. --- Health Sciences --- Pediatrics --- Pediatric Medicine. --- Ambulatory pediatrics --- Pediatrics, Ambulatory --- Children --- Maternal and child health services --- Mother and child health services --- Community Healthcare --- Health Services, Community --- Services, Community Health --- Community Health Care --- Care, Community Health --- Community Health Service --- Community Healthcares --- Health Care, Community --- Health Service, Community --- Healthcare, Community --- Healthcares, Community --- Service, Community Health --- Child Services, Health --- Health Services, Child --- Health Services, Infant --- Infant Services, Health --- Services, Child Health --- Services, Infant Health --- Infant Health Services --- Child Health Service --- Health Service, Child --- Health Service, Infant --- Infant Health Service --- Service, Child Health --- Service, Infant Health --- Clinic Visits --- Health Services, Outpatient --- Outpatient Services --- Services, Outpatient Health --- Urgent Care --- Outpatient Care --- Outpatient Health Services --- Care, Ambulatory --- Care, Outpatient --- Care, Urgent --- Cares, Urgent --- Clinic Visit --- Health Service, Outpatient --- Outpatient Health Service --- Outpatient Service --- Service, Outpatient --- Service, Outpatient Health --- Services, Outpatient --- Urgent Cares --- Visit, Clinic --- Visits, Clinic --- Medical care --- Public Health Administration --- Social Work --- Community Health Planning --- Child Health --- Outpatient Clinics, Hospital --- Outpatients --- Services for --- Paramedicine

Indian journal of community health.
ISSN: 09717587 22489509 Year: 1985 Publisher: [India] : U.P. Chapter of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine

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Community Health Services --- Public Health --- Public health --- Community health services --- Santé publique --- Services communautaires de santé --- Periodicals. --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Community Health Services. --- Public Health. --- Community health services. --- Public health. --- India. --- health systems --- health economics --- health promotion --- primary health care --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Sanitary affairs --- Social hygiene --- Neighborhood health centers --- Environment, Preventive Medicine & Public Health --- Environment, Preventive Medicine and Public Health --- Health, Public --- Community Healthcare --- Health Services, Community --- Services, Community Health --- Community Health Care --- Care, Community Health --- Community Health Service --- Community Healthcares --- Health Care, Community --- Health Service, Community --- Healthcare, Community --- Healthcares, Community --- Service, Community Health --- Bharat --- Bhārata --- Government of India --- Ḣindiston Respublikasi --- Inde --- Indië --- Indien --- Indii︠a︡ --- Indland --- Republic of India --- Sāthāranarat ʻIndīa --- Yin-tu --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Regional medical programs --- Community Health --- Health, Community --- Preventive Medicine --- Education, Public Health Professional --- Public Health Administration --- Social Work --- Community Health Planning --- Indi --- Indii͡ --- Indo --- Paramedicine

Journal of community genetics.
ISSN: 18686001 1868310X Year: 2010 Publisher: Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer Verlag,

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Medical genetics --- Genetic disorders --- Public health --- Community health services --- Epidemiology --- Community health services. --- Epidemiology. --- Medical genetics. --- Public health. --- Genetics, Medical. --- Diagnosis --- Diagnosis. --- Genetic Testing --- Genetics, Medical --- Health Education --- Primary Health Care --- Primary Healthcare --- Primary Care --- Care, Primary --- Care, Primary Health --- Health Care, Primary --- Healthcare, Primary --- Education, Community Health --- Health Education, Community --- Community Health Education --- Education, Health --- Health --- Human Genetics --- Medical Genetics --- Genetics, Human --- Genetic Screening --- Predictive Genetic Testing --- Predictive Testing, Genetic --- Testing, Genetic Predisposition --- Genetic Predisposition Testing --- Genetic Predictive Testing --- Genetic Screenings --- Genetic Testing, Predictive --- Predisposition Testing, Genetic --- Screening, Genetic --- Screenings, Genetic --- Testing, Genetic --- Testing, Genetic Predictive --- Testing, Predictive Genetic --- Genetic Predisposition to Disease --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Sanitary affairs --- Social hygiene --- Clinical genetics --- Diseases --- Heredity of disease --- Genetic diagnosis --- Neighborhood health centers --- Congenital diseases --- Disorders, Genetic --- Disorders, Inherited --- Genetic diseases --- Hereditary diseases --- Inherited diseases --- education --- diagnosis --- Genetic aspects --- Community Health Services --- Community Healthcare --- Health Services, Community --- Services, Community Health --- Community Health Care --- Care, Community Health --- Community Health Service --- Community Healthcares --- Health Care, Community --- Health Service, Community --- Healthcare, Community --- Healthcares, Community --- Service, Community Health --- Anthropology, Physical --- Chromosome Disorders --- Sex Chromosome Disorders --- Genetic Diseases, Inborn --- Molecular Medicine --- Prenatal Diagnosis --- Preimplantation Diagnosis --- Cytogenetic Analysis --- Molecular Diagnostic Techniques --- Databases, Genetic --- Databases, Nucleic Acid --- Genetic Privacy --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Human genetics --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Regional medical programs --- Public Health Administration --- Social Work --- Community Health Planning --- Health Sciences --- Genetics --- Genetic Testing. --- Health Education. --- Primary Health Care. --- Access to Primary Care

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